OISCA PNG is a vocational training centre that combines the rich cultural heritage of the Gazelle Peninsula with contemporary ways of engaging the broader world. In this way we produce graduates with a capacity to excel in their customary and commercial responsibilities


OISCA is short for the Organisation for Industrial Spiritual and Cultural Advancement. We were established as an International NGO in Japan in 1961 and are active in over 41 countries around the world. We focus on “human resource development” as a pathway to sustainability across ecological, industrial, spiritual and cultural domains. We recognise the wonderful diversity across all these domains and believe that promoting harmony through rewarding education, vocation and socialisation.

OISCA PNG is located on the rich volcanic hinterland of the Rabaul Caldera. Student training is focussed on developing skills and knowledge as an addition to personal and social improvement.

Skills Training

OISCA PNG offer vocational training to exceed the demands and opportunities for employment, business management and community development. Our primary focus is on productive agriculture including food cropping, cash cropping, livestock, aquaculture and forestry

Each module covers five broad themes including:

1. practical aspects of production,

2. harvest and post harvest handling,

3. value adding

4. logistics and marketing and

5. business management.

Self Discipline

The ethos of OISCA is based on sound principles of self discipline and reverence developed under a Japanese art of ‘Bushido‘ and ‘Kaizen’. Under such principles our students are introduced very early to the benefits of self-control and engaging in incremental improvements on a daily basis. We also consider that such knowledge is not sufficient, and so students that are enrolled are expected to engage in extracurricular activities that demonstrate these values. Students must contribute directly to the upkeep and maintenance of their student facilities, as well as participate in physical and mental fitness activities on a daily basis. In this way not only will our graduates leave the institution with knowledge, they will be well equipped for the rigours of the commercial world they will encounter.

Student Pathways

OISCA recognises the challenges facing our youth here in PNG. Employment opportunities are limited and agriculture and allied business often needs significant investment. Our aim is for students to achieve a nationally-recognised qualification in addition to an acumen for identifying and developing opportunities. Oisca is in a unique position to provide pathways to employment through linkages with international seasonal worker programs in Australia and Japan. These linkages offer a way for students to develop their skills further in a competitive overseas work environment. It also provides them with the financial means to invest in their own businesses or careers when returning back to Papua New Guinea (image credit theconnectgroup.com.au)

Skilled Instructors

We believe that the quality of education is intimately tied to the expertise and personalities of our instructors. Oisca takes very seriously the process of staff appointment and we handpick experienced professionals from the industry who bring their real-world knowledge and spiritual insights into the classroom. Our instructors are committed to providing personalised attention, mentoring, and guidance to every student, ensuring everyone can thrive. When students graduate from our programs they brim with confidence and enthusiasm to further their own aspirations, but also those of their family and community.

Staff Pathways

Our staff show an organisation commitment beyond contemporary expectations of employees, they are truly partners in the OISCA vision. In addition to financial remuneration we focus on giving staff the best opportunities to further their personal and professional development. While most staff already have significant teaching experience they are mandated to engage in further professional development. This include in-house cross-discipline training, and support to undertake further graduate studies in PNG and abroad.

Lifetime Learning

A central principle of the OISCA syllabus is to foster a sense of curiosity and entrepreneurship. Therefore we encourage independent learning and experimentation. While a traditional teaching and learning approach is valued at OISCA, it alone will not prepare our graduates to perform in the broader social, political and economic world. With a focus on dynamic classes with a shared responsibility for learning, our students have a point of difference in a competitive world

Vocational School

Our school is located on the fertile volcanic soils of East New Britain. The campus is based within 160ha of prime agricultural land, where students will gain both theoretical and practical knowledge of production, logistics, marketing and mangement. Our organisation is currently engaging an external review of all operations to chart a way for Oisca – PNG to become the leading vocational and technical school in the country.


We consider that agriculture is a pathway for national development, local economic growth and family wellbeing. We therefore focus on training students in such areas. Students gain experience in allied fields such as Food Cropping, Cash Cropping, Horticulture, Fisheries & Aquaculture, and Forestry. We optmiser the quality of our training through focussing on this key industry, rather than having too many offerings. If you think your future is in agriculture and/or allied fields get in touch with us to find out more .


Ready to take the next step towards a fulfilling career? Contact us for details on the admissions process and how you can enrol in our vocational and technical programs.

We will be offering prospective students currently enrolled in secondary education, short courses on how to access supports that can improve equity and access to our education and training.

For organisations that are seeking to build the development among their constituents please reach out to see how you can partner with our institution.

Get in Touch

For more information about our vocational and technical school programs, please provide your details below. We look forward to helping you achieve your educational, training and career goals.

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